
September 2023

Allergy, Hay fever Season is Here in Bondi & Bondi Beach

Spring is Allergy seasons! You may have noticed that the last week it was particularly worse with the change in season and high wind count. Common allergens that can trigger allergic reactions in the Bondi area include pollen from grasses, trees, and weeds, as well as indoor...

4-8 September 23 was Women’s Health Week

Ocean Medical Practice, Bondi celebrates Women’s Health Week, an annual event organized by Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health. The goal of Women’s Health Week is to encourage women of all ages to prioritize their health and well-being. This year, the key...

Our Bondi Medical Centre is Re-Open for Business

Thank you for your patience over the last 2 weeks. Ocean Medical Practice, Bondi was closed for business in order to add another consultation room. This will provide increased Doctor/GP availability as we continue to service provide health care services to the Bondi community. 14...