Here are the most common frequently asked questions and answer on our range of fees and services. If you can’t find what you’re looking for? Please contact our friendly reception team on 02 9386 9822 who will be happy to answer any questions.

  • What is the difference between BULK-BILLING and PRIVATE BILLING?

    Bulk Billing means that your Doctor consultation will be covered by Medicare and there is NO out of pocket expense to you. Children aged 15 & Under are bulk-billed for *Standard Consultations.

    Private Billing means that your Doctor consultation will incur an out of pocket fee. At Ocean Medical Practice Bondi the out of pocket fee for general appointments is $55-$100 on Weekdays. *Please see our Fees section for more information
  • Do you send Appointment Reminders?

    Yes, an SMS appointment reminder is sent when you book a Doctor or Allied Health appointment.

    When you use our online booking system, you will also receive an email appointment reminder. Please NOTE: We cannot guarantee that email or SMS reminders will be successfully delivered.

    It is your responsibility to remember your appointment time (as non-attendance and late cancellation fees apply). Please enter this into your calendar or phone at the time of making your appointment.
  • Why is there a Late Cancellation/Non Attendance Policy?

    At Ocean Medical Practice, we provide the highest level of care with minimal wait times. We are able to do this through our appointments system. When you make an appointment and run late, do not show or cancel with late notice, your valuable appointment time cannot be filled.

    Your missed appointment slot could have been utilised by other patients who really needed it. It also means that our Doctors and Allied Health Staff are not able to see patients during this time.

    Many medical practices charge the full consultation fee for late cancellations/non attendance, Our Non-Attendance/Late Cancellation fee is $45.
  • Do you accept Same Day appointments or Urgent Appointments?

    A same day appointment is often available. For online bookings, please click here.

    If no appointments are available and your matter is urgent, our doctors will see you as a walk-in patient. Please call us on 02 9386 9822 or visit us at 194 Bondi Rd, Bondi, NSW 2026
  • How can I access my Test Results?

    To maintain the highest standard of are, a follow up appointment is recommended for all test results. Our reception team are able to advise you if your results have returned and whether your doctor has requested a follow up consultation.

    If a follow up consultation was not requested by your doctor and you are still experiencing symptoms, it is important that you organise a follow up appointment.

    If you are unable to attend the surgery, we also offer Telehealth Consults. Our reception staff are unable to give out any results over the phone.
  • Can I get a copy of my Specialist Referral form, Change my Referral details , re-print my Pathology form or Radiology form?

    If you've lost your referral form, need to make changes to your existing referral, require a new print out of your pathology or radiology referral, please speak to our reception staff who are able to assist. This can usually be done on the same day and it will incur an administration fee of $40
  • Can I get a Repeat Prescription without seeing the Doctor?

    We strongly recommend all patients see your Doctor for Repeat Prescriptions. This will ensure proper management of your health condition.

    Where this is not possible, such as in emergency situations, a single prescription without repeats can be issued for a $40 fee.
    This will be issued at your Doctor's Discretion. Prescriptions cannot be issued for medications that have not been prescribed at this practice without a consultation.
  • Can I get a Medical Certificate from my Doctor? I forgot to ask for a Medical Certificate?

    A doctor's appointment is required to issue you with a medical certificate. Please note that medical certificates cannot be backdated. If you saw your doctor on the same day and forgot to ask for a medical certificate at the time, this can be printed on the same day for you free of charge.

    If you forgot to ask for a medical certificate on the day that you saw your doctor, and you decided that you required one at a later date, a medical certificate can be issued for the day of your visit and an administration fee of $40 applies.

    Please be aware that our doctors are unable to extend your medical certificate for you. If you are still feeling unwell and your medical certificate has expired, please make an appointment for a follow up consultation.
  • Other Providers Fees such as Pathology, Radiology and Specialist Fees?

    Ocean Medical Practice is not responsible for other service providers Fees. This inlcudes Pathology Collection Services, Radiology Imaging Centres and Specialist Centres. Please check with External Service Providers regarding their fees before proceeding with any additional tests or consultations.
  • What is your Privacy Policy?

    Ocean Medical Practice - Patient Privacy Policy is set out in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). For more information, click here
  • Who owns the Medical Records at this Clinic? AND why is there a $25 Admin Fee for the Transfer of Medical Records to another clinic?

    Australian law (NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002) stipulates that individuals do not own their medical records. The medical centre owns the medical record and is responsible for the secure storage and maintenance of your health record. You are entitled to access your medical record, however an administration fee may apply if printing, emailing, or sending to a third party is required. The National Privacy Principles sets the rules around when and how you can access your medical record.
    With your consent, your health record can also be uploaded onto your mygov account as a PCEHR (Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record) for you or another doctor to access.

    Why is there a $25 Admin Fee for the Transfer of Medical Records?
    When your medical records are transferred to another clinic, the following steps are taken to ensure that your records arrive securely at your requested clinic.
    1. Your GP reviews your entire medical file before it is released to a third party. This is to ensure there is no information of a sensitive nature, for example letters or results that may cause undue harm if released)
    2. The file is either printed, burned on DVD or USB depending on file size AND
    3. Finally, your record is sent via Registered Post by our administrative team.
    The small administration fee of $25 is used to cover a portion of these costs.

    Please advise the clinic if you have any financial difficulties where we may be able to reduce this fee on a individual basis.
    Alternatively, we can fax a 1-2 page health summary to another clinic at no charge if you prefer.
    Or with your consent, your health record can also be uploaded onto your mygov account as a PCEHR (Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record) for you or another doctor to access.

    If your medical record is being transferred to insurance companies or legal firms, a higher rate, as guided by the AMA is usually charged to the insurer or solicitor to cover the medical clinics full administration costs.

Book An Appointment

Use our self-service booking system to book an appointment with us!